All securities investments risk the loss of capital. Since this fund is invested entirely in equities (stocks), the chance of losing a percentage of the original investment is much higher than with some other investment options.
The stock market can be volatile. Although, over long periods of time, investors may enjoy higher returns than some other options may produce, they can also lose more money than in some other options. Sharp and unpredictable changes in value, either positive or negative, can be especially acute over shorter periods of time.
ESG investing risk: the chance that the stocks screened by the index sponsor for ESG criteria generally will underperform the stock market as a whole or that the particular stocks selected for the FTSE4Good US Select Index will, in the aggregate, trail returns of other funds screened for ESG criteria. There are significant differences in interpretations of what it means for a company to meet ESG criteria. The index provider’s assessment of a company, based on the company’s level of involvement in a particular industry or the index provider’s own ESG criteria, may differ from that of other funds or of an advisor’s or an investor’s assessment of such a company. As a result, the companies deemed eligible by the index provider may not reflect the beliefs and values of any particular investor and may not exhibit positive or favorable ESG characteristics. The components of the index are likely to change over time.
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