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MMBB Supporting Your Calling is Our Calling MonitorMMBB Supporting Your Calling is Our Calling

A Message from Our CEO

Summer is a time when the vacation season is in full swing, children are at camp and many church activities are on pause. Since MMBB’s mission and ministry are active all year, our current issue of Tomorrow offers articles to help you make the most of this season and the next.

In “How to Manage a Modest Inheritance,” we share guidance on stewardship if a loved one has left you a small or moderate amount of assets in their will. Focusing on what may be top of mind during the warmer weather, our articles, “Rev Up Your Wanderlust: Day and Road Trips Ideas” and part two in our series “Travel Safety & Scams: Know Before You Travel,” impart tips on enjoying travel cost-effectively and safely.

We also provide insights on credit scores in “Why You Should Care about Your Credit Score?” Finally, a home is often the largest asset the average homeowner owns. In “What is Home Equity and Why Is It Important?” we shed light on what this financial and real estate term means in relation to the value of your home.

As we enjoy the slower rhythms of the summer season, take a moment to reflect on the following scripture: “By the seventh day God had finished the work he had been doing; so on the seventh day he rested from all his work. (Genesis 2:2 -- NIV) God completed the work of creation on the sixth day, but the week was still not over. The seventh day mattered to the Lord and became the most important day of the week. Having completed the work of bringing creation to life, God rested on the seventh day. This verse reminds us to plan time for reflection and relaxation in our lives. This day of rest, the Sabbath, became a central point of God's law. Remember to rest and spend time with the Lord and your loved ones after a busy week and find meaning in leisure during your summer vacation.

In Christ,


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